DFB Analyst Alexander Otto: Between World Cup and Oberliga

Mr. Otto, what are the strengths of the 1st FC Duran?

Alexander Otto: Beautiful entry (laughs). This is probably the individual quality, which is at the 1st FC Duran of course on another level than the remaining teams of the league.

I ask, because they are on the one hand head coaches in the Mittelrheinliga, where the 1st FC Duran leads the table, but on the main project manager of the DFB analysis team ( Gaming Analysis Team Cologne ) at the Sportschule in Cologne are. What exactly do you do?

We form analysts. This is a degree program over two years. And in this training, the climax is the very practical support of the national team at the big tournaments.

So they analyze how to play at the World Cup against the next opponent?

We deliver our data, the main work but of course lies with the DFB team. We are a supportive factor for Dr. med. Stephan Opp (game analyst at DFB, ANM. D Red. ).

What does analysis mean? Can you give us a little insight into the system there behind it?

The game analysis in Germany has become great over the Lehmann note at the 2006 World Cup and grown. There are different analysis areas, including individual player analyzes, team analyzes and standard situation analysis. There are also different analysis tools. In principle, the question always arises: What information is in which situations relevant?

After work on the TV screen, you can also determine if this is actually inflicted?

There are obvious aspects, such as behaviors of individual players or behavior in the tactical systems that can be recognized very well. For more specific analysis in the field of opponent preparation, it may be possible that the strength of the opponent does not come into support — and thus one would only recognize the consequence of the analysis.

Because it is a topic that always wart in the background: What role does artificial intelligence play (I) Current in training?

This is of course a high-voltage topic. The problem with football is that it is an incredibly complex game. The process of development of the I takes a bit. In our education, the currently does not apply. We teach in qualitative analysis — of course, the quantitative plays again and again.

Let's take a thematic turnoff: How important is opponent analysis in the Oberlin?

For me personally, it is very important. The first thing I've made when I started in Old: we bought a new camera system because of course we want to use what we build on competences here.

This widespread system that would like to shoot before the score shot to film the dove in the orphan penal area?

No, we work with a system where there is also the opportunity to see the complete square. It's much more important to us, not only that's what ball-close happens.

How deep is the analysis? Go any other way ran than if you analyze national teams?

Of course, you have to reduce the whole thing on the league. However, we make both giving reconciliations and game preparation because that in my opinion is important information for the team-tactical area, with which one can annoy individually stronger teams. We go as well as there.

You have the impression: The further you go down in the leagues, the larger factors like coincidence or individual class become. How do you see that?

I also believe that about the factor individual quality in the league is a big one. That's what you can see in the league as well. But I also believe: The higher the individual quality, the better you can work tactically with the players.

If you look at your coaching colleagues: is tactically done in detail in the Mittelrheinliga?

(considered) I can not really judge.

World League Analysis - Oberliga  (Germany 3) A good analyst is not necessarily a good coach. What is the most important skill you can not learn on the screen?

The human guidance is the A and O for a good coach. And there it does not matter what tactical qualities can be delivered if you do not get the whole thing to players with his social skills. Then that brings nothing.

Are you a good coach yourself?

This must judge others. I am definitely fun for me. And if you see where I'm started with FLESH — as a table in the national league — and now we play a good role in the Oberlin, then I would see the purely data-based first.

And where do you see your future yourself? In first row or as data analysis in the extended circle behind it?

These are two different aspects: the application in the analysis area on one side, the in-the first series stand on the other side, but that complements itself quite well. Let's see where the journey goes. Alexander Otto (37) in a game of his Victoria Flesh. Imago Images / Herbert Bunco Alexander Otto (37), born in Nirenberg, was in the youth self association league player. The owner of the A-license has been coach of the BC Viktoria Glesch-Paffendorf since January 2018. Otto is married, has three children and lives in Cologne district.


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